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What to do if You Get a Notice from the IRS

August 19, 2014by Apogee Admin

Each year the IRS mails millions of notices. What should you do if you receive a notice from the IRS?

  1. Don’t ignore it!
  2. IRS notices typically pinpoint specific issue about your tax return or tax account. The letter may indicate the IRS has corrected an error on your tax return or it may ask you for additional information.
  3. Read it carefully and follow the instructions.
  4. If it reads there has been a correction on your return, review the information in the notice and compare it to your tax return and records.
    – If you agree, no need to reply unless a payment is due.
    – If you don’t agree, don’t be afraid to respond to the IRS. Write a letter and explains why you don’t agree.  Include information and any documents that supports your position. Tear-off the bottom portion of the notice and Include it with your letter. Mail your reply to the address shown in the lower left part of the notice. Allow at least 30 days for a response from the IRS.
  5. Most notice can be handled via mail. However, if you do have questions, call the phone number in the upper right corner of the notice. Have a copy of your tax return and the notice you received in the mail handy.
  6. Retain notices you get from the IRS for at least 3 year from when the tax return in question was filed.
  7. Don’t fall for phone and phishing email scams. The IRS first contacts people about unpaid taxes by mail. The IRS does not contact taxpayers by email, text or social media.

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